Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Im back; and there is so much we need to talk about.

After taking a break for a few years from the insurance industry to rehab a few properties, I am back to resume my writings and comments about indexed annuities. I have not been completely silent during this time, but, participated in the letter writing campaign to the SEC before the last consideration of 151A, which I posted here in June 2008.

A lot has transpired in the industry, the products, and in the regulation of indexed annuities in the last couple of years. Not only am I ready to resume writing about these things and stay on top of what is presently going on in the annuity market, I am out actively talking about indexed annuities and encouraging seniors to rely upon them for the safety and security they offer to their retirement nest egg.  Read the previous post which I submitted to the SEC, which clearly identifies my arguments about the issue.

Of all the incredibly stupid claims that the critics of indexed annuities have offered, the brightest spot in all this debate is the long overdue, but welcomed united opposition to the SEC by the NAIC. When I approached my own insurance commissioner a few years ago, his patently political reply did not offer me much encouragement that he would take a strong stand, and the Minnesota insurance commissioner, quoted when Allianz became the object of an attack, similarly did not provide me the assurance of strong leadership in defense of the regulatory realm of state insurance departments.

As we continue to watch how things develop, I will look for articles to comment on. If you find one of particular interest, please send it to me. Let’s crank up this debate and let our supportive voices be heard.

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